Study on Thosenating Know-how: a Proposal for Achieving Balance in one’s Thosenity

Ana Seno


This paper focuses on thosenating know-how, one of the six communicative competencies proposed by this author-researcher in the book Evolutionary Communication in Consciential Interactions (Seno, 2013), deepening the analysis of thosenation, exploring possible ways of balancing thosenity, and seeking to apply thosenation know-how during group interactions. The objective of the paper is to propose the possibility of achieving thosenic balance using the think-feel-express triad and to evaluate the effects of each item in the multidimensional thosenation of a conscin’s everyday life, a synthesis based on the author's experiences. The methodology used was literature review and self-research, self and heteroexperiences, and the author’s self-reflection. The paper concludes with a personal proposal for a technique to expand thosenating know-how (TKWET) to help one qualify thosenity and coherence in personal consciential manifestations.

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