Invexology Research Programme (Base-Year: 2023)

Igor Moreno, Kelly Weires Avelino, Diego Lopes, Deborah Leite


Invexology is the scientific field or specialty that studies the philosophy, the technique, and the practice of invexis, or existential inversion, in intraphysicology. The initial milestone of this conscientiological specialty occurred in 1991, with the launch and proposition of the existential inversion technique by Dr Waldo Vieira (1932–2015). This paper aims to clarify the structuring elements of the Invexology Research Programme and present the next challenges for the development of the evolutionary group dedicated to this specialty. The research programme is at an early stage, given the existence of a definition, essential concepts, glossary, exhaustive specific bibliography, key references, subspecialties, methods, techniques, and tools. It is understood that the next steps of the research programme involve the systematization of the scientific bases of existential inversion through the group construction of a synoptic table of subspecialties, in addition to the organization of collective objectives and goals for research purposes.

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