Conscientiology: Pararesearch of Self-Consciousness–Self-Research of the Consciousness

Málu Balona


The objective of this paper is to review the outcomes achieved with the cosmoethical paranormative-theatical model of the consciential neoparadigm, through the guiding thread of the holomemoriology specialty on self-research – the self-research of consciousness. The author presents a brief historical retrospective of over four decades of parascientific contributions from the neosciences projectiology (1981) and conscientiology (1986). The pararesearch methodology is based on exhaustive technical consultation of the historical documentary collection of the Holomemory of Conscientiology (HLM). Through systematic self-experimentation, the intraphysical consciousness (conscin) discovers the paramechanism of integral memory (holomemory), located in the parabrain, crossing paradigmatic, chronological, and interdimensional barriers between physical realities and pararealities. The self-convincing re-verifiability of paraphenomena leads the self-parapsychic neoscientist to a definitive disruption regarding the pseudo-obscurity of projectability, introjecting the binomial expression pararesearch of self-consciousness–self-research of the consciousness. Through cosmoethical self-thosenity, advanced autogenous instruments of analytical self-investigation or intraconscientiality (inner self) are finally made available to the lucid conscin, towards the holomaturological metacognition of their consciential microuniverse. Parafacts guide one’s self-research.

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