Conceptual Basis of Interparadigmology

Alexandre Zaslavsky, Luciana Ribeiro, Adriana Hoffmann, Marina Vinha, Vivian Brito


Interparadigmology is central to the study of the connections and possibilities of dialogue between the consciential paradigm and other paradigms. The communication between paradigms takes place intra and extraconscientially, being inherent to the evolutionary process. Its understanding contributes to the other conscientiological specialties. This paper, written by the Interparadigms journal team, aims to briefly present the conceptual bases of the specialty Interparadigmology developed over the last ten years of study. The text addresses three subthemes, namely paradigmology, self-paradigmology, and interparadigmology, distributed in three sections, under the analytical axis of selfparadigmatic transition. Cosmoanalysis and Cosmosynthesis make up the methodology of this work. The paper systemizes basic concepts of the specialty, delimiting a new field of studies and thus enables verponological correlations within the scope of conscientiology.

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