Signaleticology: The Principle of the Neoscience Propelling Depertological Parapsychism

Sandra Tornieri, Milces Caldas, Clari Formolo


This paper presents the holophilosophical principles of signaleticology, its proposition, and the paraphenomenon of personal parapsychic signaletics as its main object and research topic, to substantiate the neoscience, considered as a driving force of depertological parapsychism. The methodology used to elaborate this paper was bibliographic review, debates, and gesconological productions of the Invisible College of Signaleticology (ICS). The study also took into consideration the theorice of the Group Code of Cosmoethics (GCC) elaborated by the participants. The foundations of the neoscience are being proposed in 27 holophilosophical principles. The findings of this survey are the embryo of the foundation of the neoscience signaleticology. The theorice of this content applied as a priority will serve as the basis for the permanent construction of a Dictionary of Signaleticology, bringing about the cognitive convergence of all the ICS members.

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